Its World Wellbeing Week – So Lets De-stress & Refresh

Its World Wellbeing Week – So Lets De-stress & Refresh

Well-being and wellness are certainly and rightly the buzzwords of our era. We talk a lot about it and understand the need for it but sometimes prioritising our wellbeing isn’t always easy or often we don’t even know-how.  

Here at Vanilla Blanc, we have a bit of a head start - All our products contain pure organic essential oils known to help uplift, de-stress and instill calm!  Hormone imbalances can play a huge part in our well being - especially as many of todays cleaning products contain harmful chemical such as endocrine and other components like BPA, parabens, and triclosan.  Our Read/the/label range of natural plant-powered household products are formulated without hormone-disrupting nasty chemicals making them SLS, SLES, and Paraben free.

So as well as using the right products what else can we do to help improve our wellbeing?

We all appreciate the simple things in life like taking a bath, lighting a candle, laughing with friends, and listening to music  but the adage is true that a tidy home equals a tidy mind! Decluttering and organising can help you to feel relaxed, happier, and less stressed. Believe it or not, cleaning can even help wellbeing by keeping us active – after all, we burn calories from scrubbing down the shower, climbing up and down the stairs to vacuuming the floors. All these physical tasks increase feel-good endorphins.

Switching off the TV and taking time away from our screens has been shown to positively help improve wellbeing – taking our attention away from the virtual world and focusing instead on the real world and the people around us.

Helping others is a proven way to increase our sense of worth. Volunteering or joining community groups can instill a sense of achievement.  

Let us not forget the power of nature – a long walk and fresh air do lift the spirits while taking up a new hobby or creative passion can fill wellbeing gaps and put a spring in the step. 

Last but certainly not least, try and get as much sleep as you can – No one can ever feel positive or rested without it! 

Wishing you a great Wellbeing Week – look after yourself!  

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